There are many ways to go about a kitchen remodeling project for your St. Charles, IL, home. But, you may not want the stress of demolition. Avoiding major construction and demolition may lead you in the direction of a kitchen refresh, which only involves a few tune-ups that don’t require gutting your entire kitchen. If this is something you are considering, you should understand that there are advantages, but also some disadvantages to completing a kitchen remodeling project without demolition.
Money: Keeping your kitchen intact during a minor remodeling project in your St. Charles, IL, home, can save you a great deal of money. A fresh coat of paint or a simple replacement of your appliances can fall into this category. Adapting and adding to what you already have in your kitchen won’t give you a unique look, but it is sure to save you a great deal of money.
Construction: Another advantage of making simple improvements and avoiding demolition to your St Charles, IL home is the amount of time construction takes, as well as the mess it creates. If you are stripping your kitchen down to the studs, you will have to move everything out of your kitchen to other parts of your home. Not to mention, you will be hand washing dishes in the bathroom sink, and you will have to contend with contractors and their tools. If you don’t want to lose complete access to your kitchen for an extended period of time, then consider a simple kitchen remodeling project.
Renovations: Opting out of a complete demolition project will take considerably less time and will create far less mess as opposed to remodeling. If the way your kitchen currently looks holds sentimental value to you, then consider a non-demolition kitchen remodeling project for your St. Charles IL, home.
Limited Flexibility: Trying to add new appliances or additional features to your kitchen may be challenging with a non-demolition project. When you are gutting your kitchen, you’re able to redesign it how you want it, without worrying about whether your new refrigerator will fit, for example. Without demolition, it’s likely you won’t get everything on your wish list simply because you will be bound by the existing layout.
Functionality: When deciding what you want to add to your kitchen, it’s important to know if what you want will require a full remodel or a simple renovation. If you really require things like larger appliances, without demolition, a choice like that could decrease the overall functionality or appeal. At the end of the day, the functionality of your kitchen is just as important as its aesthetics.
We hope after you’ve read some of the pros and cons of completing a kitchen remodeling project without demolition, you can start to evaluate your current situation to understand if your kitchen needs more renovation or a remodel.
For more information on your kitchen remodeling project in your St. Charles, IL, home, contact Ellie by phone at 630.356.4441 or by email ellie.whelanbuilders@gmail.com